Acting environmentally conscious when traveling

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August is traditionally the month when most of us go on vacation. Unfortunately, vacations, which for us mean fun and relaxation, have the opposite effect on our planet. The fact is that emissions from airplanes and cars, as well as excessive consumption of plastic products, will ultimately destroy this planet that so many of us would like to explore. As a company, SIGG always strives to be as environmentally conscious as possible. That's why our products are the perfect companion for your adventures. But there are even more ways to improve your eco-balance when traveling. Here are some ideas on how you can ensure that your adventures are not only good for you, but also for our planet.

1) Avoid bottled water

It is now well known that bottled water is bad for the environment. Most hotels and large restaurant chains worldwide use water filters to ensure that their water is fit for consumption. The SIGG Water Bottle is reusable, lightweight and the ideal way to always have water to hand.

2) Travel across the country

According to calculations by the US Union of Concerned Scientists, choosing to travel by train instead of air improves your carbon footprint for your vacation by up to 75 percent. Traveling by train may take a little longer, but you also get to see more of the country. The same applies when traveling: the journey is the destination.

3) Buy local products

At local markets, you can buy products that are grown in the surrounding area. The shorter the transportation distance of the food, the better it is for the environment. Instead of having an expensive lunch somewhere, why not take a SIGG Lunch Box or a SIGG Food Jar with you, go to a local market and put together a healthy lunch from local produce. This way you can enjoy the true taste of the country you are visiting.

4) Pay attention to recycling on vacation too

We have all understood by now that recycling makes an important contribution to environmental protection. Always find out about the recycling regulations in your vacation destination, as they may be very different from those at home. Did you know, for example, that in Germany it is customary not to throw glass and PET bottles in the garbage can, but to place them next to it so that people in need have an easier time collecting returnable items? If you're not sure how best to dispose of your waste abroad, just ask a local.

Never forget that traveling is a privilege. It is our duty to keep our planet as healthy as possible so that future generations can enjoy the same experiences as we have in the years to come. The only way to ensure this is to always keep the environment in mind, even when traveling. Use common sense - and then have fun and a good trip!

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