Mach mit SIGG den ersten Schritt in ein gesundes neues Jahr

Take the first step into a healthy new year with SIGG

Deciding to do more for your health in the new year is a wonderful tradition. It doesn't matter whether we're talking about traditional New Year's resolutions or using the trendy social media sloga...

ChristmasDie schönsten Geschenk Ideen zu Weihnachten von SIGG

The best Christmas gift ideas from SIGG

Christmas is just around the corner Christmas is just around the corner and with it the familiar question: What can I give my loved ones? At SIGG, you'll find beautiful Christmas gift ideas such as...

SportVielfalt im Sport-Sommer 2024 feiern! - SIGG @ Sommerspiele 2024

Celebrating diversity in the 2024 Summer of Sport! - SIGG @ Summer Games 2024

What a spectacular summer of sport in 2024! From the European Athletics Championships in Rome to numerous tennis Grand Slams, the European Football Championships in Germany and the highlight - the ...

Back to SchoolVon Matschhosen bis kleine Trinkflaschen: So packen Sie die ideale Kindergartentasche

From mud pants to small Water Bottles: How to pack the ideal kindergarten bag

To make the settling-in period at nursery or the first day at school as easy and stress-free as possible for both child and parents, here are the most important tips and tricks.

ChristmasGeschenkideen, die jedem gefallen

Gift ideas that appeal to everyone

Christmas presents are traditionally unwrapped on December 24. With gifts that fit in with a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, you are on the safe side. Durable, reusable drinking bags such as tho...

Total Clear 1.5 L: Grösser und besser als je zuvor

Total Clear 1.5 L: Bigger and better than ever before

Total Clear ONE has been a hit with customers all over the world since its launch - with just one criticism: it should be bigger. Great idea! We're listening to you. That's why we've developed a "b...

KidsDie Helden Harry Potter, Hermine und Batman bringen Magie und Abenteuer auf die WMB One

The heroes Harry Potter, Hermione and Batman bring magic and adventure to WMB One

The popular WMB One bottle is now more fascinating than ever! Our latest Water Bottles are the Batman Water Bottles and the Hogwarts Water Bottles.

SportTransparenter Wegbegleiter: Die geliebte Flasche erhält ein klares Upgrade

Transparent companion: the beloved bottle gets a clear upgrade

We listen when our customers come to us with suggestions on design and functionality. Their input was crucial in helping us think about how we could improve the SIGG Pulsar. The feedback from our c...

Mit Helia kommt Farbe in Deinen Frühling und Sommer!

Add some color to your spring and summer with Helia!

The Helia TravelMug is the ideal everyday companion. It is a multifunctional marvel that is available in six modern colors and emphasizes and complements your individual style. No matter what the...

Gemstone IBT: Ein Wintertraum

Gemstone IBT: A winter dream

If you are looking forthe perfect bottle for winter, the Gemstone IBT is the right choice for you. It is available in three different sizesand offers excellent insulationon cold winter days . T...